click here to leave comments.
21 December
like, universal... dude
Wow... David I must say, I checked out The Great Depression on (see attached link) and you guys really rawk! Kinda reminds me of Slobberbone. I bet Gropius musta been alot twangier (is that a word?) back in the day. Keep on rawkin' in the free world, man!
- gf
18 December
it doesnt matter who i am
*sniff* oh....i need a kleenex *sniff* *sniff*
18 December

sorry you couldn't be upfront with your name as well. know i thought there was more to our relationship (the people who originated the band with me). i would forgive and forget the things that went wrong in our knowing eachother, and i have. i see that i can give up on any future of us being friends again. there is no forgiving with you people, you can't forget. i can't forget the good times, you can't forget the bad. i'm sorry. i am. i am sorry for screwing up in the first place, something i will live with because, yes it did mean that much to me. i look back everyday and remember being foolish. i remember being young. i am sorry. i wish we could meet again today, i feel you would see me differently. but,if it means never saying a word to any of you again, so you can forget i ever entered your lives, so be it. i wish the pain were not so deep. i would only love one day to have a closure to this feeling. i guess i will have to do it alone for now. i wish you all the luck and happy lives. take care.

sincerely- david fontes
17 December
someone who knows

David, this is ridiculous. Yes, you may have 'structured' or whatever some of the songs on SFW, but please!! James and Matthew rewrote and reworked every single one of those songs at one time or another. You would think by now you would quit posting on any gropius related site. Doesnt your new band have a website? and a guestbook??? post it on here then be done with it!
I'm tired of reading how much you think you influenced gropius, you were in it at it's baby stages...after that it grew to something that was totally beyond you. The bassists that came on after you had so much talent and much more than you ever had!! The songs that were written after you were much much better....

I'm sure your new project is fabulous you'll be the mega star you want to be. Then maybe you can stop telling us how you were such the mastermind of gropius......pleeeezzzz
17 December
Amy <>

wow, havent been here in a while...but for those who are wondering, here I am!
Just to let you know, Tony (Except Europa) and I are engaged!! We are both very excited, we are trying to set a date in September 2002.
ok, enough fluffy stuff, I hope everything is well w/everyone. GO SEE THE ALEPH!!! I just saw them last amazing. It was really cool to be on the opposite side of Melissa and hear her voice in a totally different genre than gropius. WOW, so powerful!

ta for now!
11 December
david fontes <>
san francisco
Here is the English translation to the Turkish suffi,prayer song by Peter Murphy.
I have a Turkish friend who wrote this out for me. I thought you would enjoy this. Good words to live by too!


prayer (Dua)

Love to where there is hatred
Forgiveness to where there is hurt
Belief to where there is suspision
Hope to where there is no hope
Light to where there is darkness
And let us scatter rejoice to where
there is badness

Not the ones who uncover faults (of others)
-but the ones who conceal
Not the ones who seek for consolation
-but the ones who give comfort
Not the ones who expect understanding
-but the ones who are tolerant
Help us to be from the ones who love
-not the ones who only want to be loved.

Hands which don't take but give
The ones who're being forgived because they are forgiving
Who are born with justice,
lived with justice,
and died with justice
And let us be from the ones who came back to life
at the endless life
30 November

rob rocks!!!
luv ya buddy!
26 November
david fontes <>
san francisco
funny, i just practiced with the great depression today! to answer your question, i structured and wrote half of "songs for walter",most of "angst or flowers", and 2 songs on "indellicate". i am very happy with the great depression material so far! it's not much like gropius anymore, but still close, it's very much me. i really hope you guys get a chance to hear us! hopefully we will get to play outside of california this year. 4AD and Projekt should be looking at us by this summer, who knows. i'd love to play in dallas again! but, please e-mail me and i'll keep you posted on when our c.d. is complete. the site will be up some in late december. how's the aleph going? i'm curious as to what you sound like now? is there any guitar? where's amy? well, take care, happy holidays, merry christmas all, god bless...
22 November
charred lepus in a shower
hmmm... haven't been here in a while.
just thought i'd pop in and say "hi".
oh... and david, what part was it that you had in "songs for walter"?
maybe my blackouts/flashbacks are finally catching up with me...
melissa, good show the other night.
i miss amy.
oh well.
remember, wherever you go, there you are;
oh... and satan loves you.

02 November
Stephen <>
Carrollton, TX
I love the band, just introduced to them tonight, Its alot different from the things out there, and i love it. Would u mind putting up a lyrics page? or a more indepth Discography? Anywayz, great site!(listening to Indelicate) :):)
02 November
david fontes <>
san francisco
if anyone wants to hear my new stuff(i was the bassist who started gropius, musically) it will be out in feb. we're called the great depression. and you should hear a "songs for walter" sound if you liked that album i had a big part in that one! i have a great singer with a dead can dance/mortal coil/d.mode voice i found up here in san fran. and i will be singing some tracks! please anyone interested check us out soon at: we're currently under construction, but look soon! i am very anxious for this release and i am sure all you gropius fans would take a liking to it!
i hope you don't mind the posting guys. i would love to hear some aleph soon. hint,hint!
are you recording anytime soon? take care everyone. if you would like more info. on the great depression's progress just drop me an e-mail! thank you...
01 November
computer lab
Can anyone update me on what the members of gropius are up too now? I know Melissa has a project...anyone else?
30 October
stef <>
very close to 6th st
hello, i hope that everyone has a spooky and fun halloween...scare some people. i miss all of you. take care.
22 October

the aleph is also playing on october 27th at the liquid lounge in deep ellum. come check us out if you can.
11 October

Halloween party at the londoner Oct 27. the place of amy and laura's employment.
04 October
Max <>
Come over and play!
02 October

see you there skinny.
02 October

thursday...hmmm. could be.
01 October
jody <>
grand prairie
skinny~ i still want comic stuff. just gotta move my ass. going to the lounge thurs. come see me and steph. i love i love i love
18 September
Amy <>
UTA Music Library
Hey kids,
Just wanted to invite everyone out this Thursday Sept.20 to the Lizard Lounge. I will be celebrating my 2?th birthday. Come out and say hi, I miss seeing your lovely faces!!

14 September

show is tonight at Ridglea, 10:45
08 September

no sweat about the heads up...maybe you got an email from Melissa about the upcoming show? details coming
07 September
Rich <>

Skinny, I have pictures of 2 or 3 shows at the Ridglea Theatre that never quite made it to the official site in time, so they're new in the sense that they've only been seen by myself and a coupla the band members. Let me know if you'd be interested in doing something with them...
Also, thanks for the heads up about Aleph, I'd like to catch a gig to see what that's all about.
If anyone's within range of KTCU, 88.3 FM, Matt's gonna be guesting on The Good Show from 9am to 12 on the 15th. He tells me he's got a project he's working on, maybe he'll have something to share on the show.
02 September

The Aleph huh? as in the Hebrew alpha-bet?
sounds cool! are the songs going to be more "tents of kedar" oriented? it would be neat to see (if The Aleph is a serious thing) take over the site and change over to a gropius tribute page, because you just can't kill gropius like that, or at all. it had too much to do with our lives for almost 6 years! i guess you can say it was a castle in our hearts and minds, an effigy we burned, poured our fears/insecurities into, someone we dearly loved and wished to grow old with, gropius was/is everything to some, a landmark!

i will always miss gropius.
lets not let it die!
02 September
oak cliff
why don't you just put something new up?
i don't know what.
how about things we never heard about the band, different pictures, funny facts, lyrics!, eveything!....something!
not a bad idea, but if i do that, the page will still stay unchanged forever.
what are they up to now?
many different things, none collectively
is melissa in a new band yet?
yes, and they've even had a show in denton. keep an ear open for the Aleph. Amy has, i believe, become an addition to the project.

any other questions?
01 September

why don't you just put something new up? how about things we never heard about the band, different pictures, funny facts, lyrics!, eveything!....something! what are they up to now? is melissa in a new band yet? i know she has talked about it. any luck?
30 August
skinny <>

not sure about the Gropius site. i have login access, but don't know what to do with it. suggestions?

suggestions for
28 August
gropi02 <>
Well, if you've been out of the loop that long then missed a bunch! Gropius is no longer together....they never had a record deal or made it big. Unfortunately Songs for Walter is out of print, so you will have to hunt CD stores for it...i believe there are still some at Borders in the DFW area.
Is the site ever gonna die or is it just gonna stay frozen??
19 August
amber <>
the first time i saw gropius was two years ago in houston at some hole in the wall bar.
bad ass show! i bought songs for walter. fell in love. that was before record label. question;
on the opening credits to the tv show angel, is that gropius or waht. its so much theyre style it freaked me out.
im dying to know if they made it that big. also, how do i get another cpoy of songs for walter?
mine was stolen and it had that bad ass hidden track at the end. and what new albums have come out. ive
been out of the loop for two years, yucky life happenings, kinda clueless now.
17 August
B. Lugosi <>
the belltower
I died Aug. 16th, 1954. This site is a day ahead!
17 August
david <>
45 years ago today Bela Lugosi died and became the "undead" we all love! R.I.P. Bela.
16 August
stef <>
dallas...for now...austin here i come
shit school starts soon. i'm gonna have to leave and i already miss you a ton.
15 August
backgrounds <>
Nice site...
12 August
so sorry <>

is this site viewed only by ex-members now or what? it's so dead. but then you can't really kill something that was already dead, can you?
26 July
Rich <>

Well, I don't really have anything Earth shattering to contribute, but what else is new? Just stopped by to see if I could find an email addy for Matt, which I did.

Matt, I didn't forget, but the email with your address got deleted. I'll email you to get it again, and I WILL have some pics for you soon, I hope. Also, 420's looking for a bassist, if you're interested.

A quick hey to Melissa as well. Got any new projects going? I miss seeing you all, hope to see you again soon. Keep us posted?
25 July
trista <>
Saint Louis
Come and check out our band and my pics and such. Sign our guestbook to possibly get a free demo sometime in the future! Our band's name is Americunt - come check us out!
21 July
i saw the best gropius pictures ever today! and it was on black tape for a blue girls web-site. , you'll find it, scroll down.
14 July

unfortunately, i just checked skinny at 6:30 saturday evening, otherwise i would have been at patrick's funeral. what a horrible loss his passing is. all of his friends and family will be in my prayers and i am truly sorry for his loss.
13 July
jason vermillion <>
grand prairie, tx
This is for anyone who knew Patrick Magee, a very dear friend of mine and an enthuastic fan of the band for a good while longer than i. there is no easy way to say this... he died in a car accident on wednesday morning. For anyone interested, funeral services will be held this saturday at 4:00 at Laureal Land in dallas, off of i-35e just north if i-20. for further details feel free to email me or just call me at 972.814.8976, anytime day or night. anyone who has spoken to Patrick for more than two minutes knows what a special and kind hearted person he was. simply having him as a friend truly changed my life for the better. he will be sorely missed, but never forgotten.
11 July
vic <>
san fran,ca.
"penitent roses" signed c.d. let me know!!! maybe for $30.00, i don't know. or a "tactics of infiltration" or "cowboys in tokyo"
11 July
vic <>
hey if anyone wants to sell their
20 June
Matthew <>

Happy Birthday to you... Happy Birthday to you... Happy Birthday senor Skiiiiinnnnnnyyyyyyyy.... HAAAAPPPYYY BIIIRRRTTTHHDDAAAYY TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...


Have an outstanding one! So are you of legal drinking age yet?

Oww!!! I think one just burst in my forehead! YIKES!!
20 June
melissa <>

alright matthew. it's okay. don't burst a blood vessel. maybe this will get some posts...HAPPY BIRTHDAY SKINNY!!!
13 June
Matthew <Do I have to give it to you all again?!?!?>
Workin' in a coal mine...
All right folks... I'm starting to lose my patience... It's been almost a week and nobody has a thing to say??? Why won't you post? WHY!?!?!?
07 June
Matthew <...I think I've left it enough times already>

C'mon people!!! Where's the love for Skinny? Post! All of you!!!
30 May
Rich <>

Horse? I don't remember no horses in the band...
I -do- remember Melissa saying something vague about continuing in a new form, or words to that effect, when I asked her about it at Deep Ellum Arts. Was hoping to get more info on that, if possible.
Also, I seem to be a coupla CD's short of a full set (careful!), are there any left, and if so, how can I get them?

Thanks for the kind words, Matt. I enjoyed shooting the band, too bad none of my pics ever made it to the website in time... I sent a link for the DEAF pics to Amy, I bet if you ask nice she'll share. Good luck to you and the other Gropii in your future endeavors, hope to hear updates here if possible.

30 May
Matthew <>

Well, the weather is rather humid and cloudy at the moment... I wish it was a little cooler, but this is TX. I don't live here for the weather... Frankly, I don't know why the hell I live here! Does that work skinny?

And Rich, the horse has spoken. Thanks a ton for your support and expertise with the camera. You rock.

And Jason, Stef, Mark, Jody... hell everybody, drop me line sometime! I don't have all of your e-mail addys. I miss you all. Hope everything is going well.
29 May
skinny <>

it's over. that is the official word from the horse's mouth.
29 May
Rich <>

Well, anybody know and want to tell what's going on wik der Gropius? There's still a website of sorts, but it's just the gateway. Does anyone have the 'skinny' (sorry, I couldn't help myself...) on the band? Matt?
Inquiring minds wanna know!
29 May

thanks. i had planned on writing for 15 minutes, but couldn't leave out some stuff, so i wrote for an hour or more. definitely a fun time.

hey Jody--email me. i've got a couple questions for you.

there have been a number of people visiting this page...please add some comments--how about this weather?
if i get a few entries here, i'll open up a small board i'm currently beta-testing.
29 May
Matthew <>

WOW!! That is absolutely incredible! I am very glad to hear that you and your sister had one of the best experiences of your life. Unbelievably cool. I think you should publish the timeline... Excellent storytelling!
29 May
skinny <>

alright, here it is, the very long journal. follow along as skinny goes from snack food shopping to flying home. this whole adventure started on a whim as i told my sister (while we were at U2 in Dallas) about various trials and tribulations of being up front at concerts. she called me a few days after the dallas show to say she had floor tickets for milwaukee. that was the true adventure starting point. we go now to the night before the show. enjoy.

2300-2345 wednesday shop for food
0030-0445 thurs sleep
0445-0515 wake, dress, go to airport
0515-0610 drive to airport, park, check in, board plane
0610-0820 sit on plane, fly to Chicago
0820-0830 wait to get off plane
0830-0850 get off plane, wait in car rental line
0850-0915 take shuttle to car, pick up car
0915-1120 drive through Chicago to Milwaukee
1120-1125 find Bradley Center and park
1125-1135 get snacks together, get to end of line
1135-1430 sit under hot sun behind 80 others, play with superball, rejoice as clouds came in, eat snacks. it was during this time that some guy told us how he dropped his tickets on his way back from the bathroom and had run a couple minutes later to get them. on his way back to the college, he found them blowing down the street. he found them all. his friends were no longer pissed. sporadically during this time, 3 different television teams were filming the line and one reporter talked to a guy a few people away from us about the upcoming show.
1430-1450 get wristband guaranteeing 'inner floor.' we were told at this point that there was no reason to stay around; returning around 1745 would be fine, as our spots were secure.
1450-1515 watch as line thins to 50 in front, 50 people left from behind. the line was no longer from the door to the street to the next street and down that block--it was merely to the street and down halfway to the next. we were very close to the corner of the first bend then.
1515-1530 the plan for time was established. there would be ~no leaving~ the line for bathroom (across the street at the community college) nor trips to the car after 1630. this was taken as seriously as a turn-around time on Mt. Everest. 1630! there were continued quiet but serious talks about the plan of attack when the line would start at the door which was basically run and leave anything save tickets behind.
1530-1600 sit, eat snacks.
1600-1615 last bathroom break/car run for sister.
1615-1627 last bathroom break/car run for skinny. we were now just one bottle of water, a vest, some crackers, a birthday card to Bono and 2 tickets heavy.
1627-1628 disaster strikes. i am still a couple paces away from my sister when she is getting up; they are queuing at 'the door.' i have a fresh, dry cracker in my mouth. she looks at me, darting for the door when i try to say "the tickets are loose," meaning loose in her folded vest she was carrying loosely. i spit out the cracker after speaking again was useless, and said, "the tickets are loose!" she unfolded the vest a little and there was only one ticket. without time to react, we were going against the flow of people back to where we had been sitting. no ticket. i veer right and see it, my sister had veered right, also, following the wind. the ticket was blowing loosely away. we arrive at the ticket at the same time, when i kneel down to get it first--i yell 'go!' and she leaves. i am 3 seconds behind her racing for the door. we lost a full 15 mob seconds during this instinct rush. no one was prepared for this rush except my sister and me. people were expecting time to take their lawn chairs, coolers and shade umbrellas back to the car. many others were waiting on the others in their party who either were at the bathroom or waiting to return until 1700 or so. suckers all. because so many people close to the door were looking for others or dumbfounded by the idea that they were there for 8 hours with a cooler they didn't want to abandon, my sister was very near the front. 3 lines had haphazardly formed when the security guy at the door said "4 lines!" my sister was second in that 4th line. i wiggled through the continually concentrating lines to her location. we were physically shaking, adrenaline-ridden junkies at that point, fixed eyes and all.
1628-1629 we are silent as the events of the last 60 seconds or less are realized.
1630-1635 still shaking, we chat about how most excellent our position is and how perfectly amazing it is that we lost and found a ticket like that other guy had.
1635-1710 reflect on different things like waking up in Dallas and such. chatted to some other fans. during this time, we could hear faint sound check noises. we watched security hold their meeting. i asked for the time every couple minutes. the security at the outside door was very nice and chatted some and threw away some trash we were holding.
1710-1711 a cameraperson and reporter from channel 12 approach the front of the line. seeing the birthday card my sister had made, the cameraperson shoulders the camera and zooms in on her with her card and does a head to toe to head (literally) sweep on her. my sister would be on the nightly news in Milwaukee.
1711-1712 the tv crew are looking around and the cameraperson says, 'we need to get some of these outfits.' she turns and looks at me and again shoulders the camera. i was told to get about 10 feet out of line because 'the light is better over here.' they filmed me head to toe to head. i would be on the nightly news in Milwaukee.
1712-1744 security and event staff approached the door and talked amongst themselves for a long time. one guy moved a trash can for some reason, maybe boredom's sake.
1744-1745 a security guy comes out to tell us to walk, no one wants to get hurt, etc. he said the doors would be open in a minute.
1745-1746 the doors open. my sister and i get temporarily separated as we get our second wristband, i went to a different line with an inept wristband attendant. we meet up again at the second door, the portal to the floor of the sold out arena.
1746-1755 wait, very excited. PJ Harvey is sound checking on the other side of the door.
1755-1756 the door guy told us that we would be getting a third wristband so that we could re-enter the floor area as necessary. he said the doors would be open in 7-8 minutes.
1756-1801 wait. sound check ends.
1801-1803 the door opens. my sister and i are the second and third people of 20,000 to get in. we are directed to the wristband guy on the far side of the floor. he takes his sweet time on our bands and we enter the front floor. while our bands are being put on us, they opened the other side and those people flooded in without bands, so our entry to the floor was met by not the one guy in front of us, but 30 people! aaargh! we were quick enough, however, to secure our hands to the rail, FRONT AND CENTER!
1804-1945 there is some very mild pushing and shoving and whatnot. it was pretty warm, but the time was actually going by quickly. the sound system came on first with Radiohead's new one, just like at the Dallas show. they put together a pretty decent tracklist.
1945-2025 lights out. PJ Harvey was incredible. PJ Harvey and i had ~5 minutes!~ of eye contact during her first 2 songs. woooooow. skinny is a fan for life. don't get me started on her silver sequin dress.
2025-2027 we watch them break down the PJ Harvey line. i'm the only one with my hand out when one guy untapes the set list. he peels the tape off without tearing the paper and looks at me and reaches it out to me. tragedy strikes as he doesn't hand it to me, but 'flicks' it the last few inches. paper doesn't fly straight--it curls in air and heads to my right, where this guy 2 people away is holding it. a very long 5 seconds later after my brief attempt at snatching it, the guy now holding the set list finishes reading it and just simply hands it to me. i hugged him and called him 'brother.'
2027-2050 my sister and i talk about how very, very close we were to PJ Harvey and how we would be that close to U2. there was a little more mild pushing. the light guys climbed their precarious ladders and the guitar tech for The Edge got some applause with some U2 teasers.
2050-2245 lights out. U2 started their first song from somewhere that wasn't on stage. during a soundtrack only moment, the band came out and everyone went nuts. during that first song, Bono stepped forward with a bent knee, raising his pant leg slightly. i was close enough to read the Prada insignia on his shoes. my sister was holding out her birthday card (Bono, born Paul Hewson 10 may {1960, i think}) for him. the show was awesome. i don't remember the name of the song, but the song that was dedicated to Michael Hutchence (INXS) in Dallas was dedicated to Joey Ramone (Ramones). very nice. at the show in Dallas, my sister and i were talking about 'those people down there' at the front of the stage. in Milwaukee, my sister and i were talking about 'those people up there that may be talking about us.' nice realization that was. we were pumped about it all night. after an almost 2 hour set with an encore, Bono smiled and said 'thank you' ~to my sister~ for the birthday wish. in retrospect, the birthday card looked like a small sign; Bono wouldn't have thought to take a sign from someone. some buttnutt idiot who had admitted earlier to never having been on the floor of a popular show had the audacity to elbow my sister. wrong answer, buttnutt. with a security guard immediately in fromt of me, i slapped him upside the back of the head. security told ~him~ to take it easy. security gave me an approving look. people get rough at packed shows, but it's almost never malice. did i mention he sang like a mule? what a buttnutt.
2245-2255 the events people were breaking down the equipment and handing out a few of the unused picks from Edge's and Bono's mic stands. i had already stepped back a few feet. my sister and i were among the last 10 or 20 to leave the area 'inside the heart.'
2255-2310 we fought the crowds coming down from the upper levels to get upstairs to buy a shirt. Deb got the white silhouette one with the dates on the back. we parted for outside.
2310-2320 outside there was a bootleg tshirt vendor. he was out of large, so i waited as he went to his truck. i got the shirt by the parking garage we arrived at some 12 hours earlier,so we headed for the car.
2320-2345 we sat by the car, talking and resting our legs. the last bottle of water in the car was downed immediately. after the brief respite, we walked down the garage, hoping to catch the band as they left.
2345-0000 we arrived at the loading dock gate, watching lots of people do lots of work. there were about 10 full size trucks to move that stuff.
0000-0015 a couple of the dozen people at the gate left and a couple more came. one of the workers offered a plastic wrapped tray of catered turkey sandwiches. i took it diagonally through the gate and offered them around. i heard they were pretty good. the big silver plastic platter came home with me.
0015-0025 one worker said that the band left right after the show in a limo and seemed pretty confident about it, so we left.
0025-0108 got to the car and left Milwaukee toward Chicago. arrived at the Knights Inn about 30 miles out and got a room.
0108-0155 nice room, good price. cleaned up, talked, went to bed.
0155-0845 sleep
0845-0935 dressed, packed, left for Chicago
0935-1050 drove, saw gas for $2.15 for the cheap unleaded.
1045-1145 Sears Tower
1145-1200 drive to aquarium
1200-1400 aquarium
1400-1430 drop off car
from 1430 shuttle to airport and fly home.
16 May

I heard that Skinny has a BIG story to share about a certain concert experience with one of the greatest bands EVER... Somebody Irish... Do tell!!!
07 May

just don't spill your drink on the computer...that would be sticky.
04 May
skinny <>

wow, a couple more! rock on. yeah, i've got a couple ideas i've passed around my head lately for the site. more coming.

aaah, dude, where in the--oh, they're in my hand. i'm been drnking again and i keep fallling asleep on the computtttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
04 May

matt i still love you and i'm gonna miss you. Skinny!!!! might be a rob site now. Go MAVS Go!!!!
01 May
Matthew home
Skinny, you rock... gonna miss the drunkenness. Are you cool? You got it together? F**kin'-A. Sorry if I suck...
30 April
larry <>
what's up with the site??
27 April
matt sucks
23 April
Matthew <>

Skinny's back!!! Whoo hoo!!! Good to see an update!!! So, what now??? Any good Skinny stories for us?
20 April
skinny <>
oh, hi all! wow, a visitor or 2. why, thank you!
11 April
stef <blah>
yo! skinny, my is it going? where's the love?
03 April
GET PAID AND GET LAID BECAUSE We are a stocking VIDEO distributor and currently stock over 1 MILLION VIDEOS in our 165,000 square foot facility.
19 February
Matthew <>

Just thought I would post... Hi Skinny!
30 December
melissa <>

and if gorgeous chics aren't your thing, you can go to
16 December
Evil Temptress
For hundreds of pictures of gorgeous goth girls, check out
11 December
Rusty Pooter <>

08 December

so gothic.....all this haughty indifference. i think skinny is purposely leaving the site neglected!!!
maybe you should let me update.. we could change the name to!\
07 December
matthew <> work
C'mon skinny... Don't make me take away your Tuesday and Thursday visiting schedule!!!
06 December
amy <>
addison tx USA
poor little skinny neglected
06 November
03 November
Jody <>
Grand Prairie
I adore you more than I let on Skinny. Wish I had a chance to talk to you more but it always seems I'm at a loss for words over those blaring speakers that always seem to linger in the background. Hope this finds you well. Take care.

these little earthquakes
doesnt take much to RIP us into PIECES
01 November
jason vermillion <blah>

Wow, next show Sept. 16 at Four Walls... Has our dear friend skinny discovered time travel?
31 October
Matthew <>
At work...
Oh where, oh where has our Skinny gone?
Oh where, oh where can he be???

Happy Halloween everyone... mwah hah hah!!!
07 October
david j. fontes
san diego/l.a.,ca.
i don't leave comments anymore,but it's been empty for some time now. i'm sorry it's just me, but i still care. i would like to see gropius do well. if my band ever gets signed i'd help you all i ever could. sincerely.
i hope all your dreams come true.

one request: melissa, you should play "nothing compares 2 U"!!! i love to hear you sing it again, and i'm sure everyone would love it!!!

25 September
melissa <>

WHY WON'T YOU TALK TO US? WHY DAMMIT?! WHY?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
13 September
Matthew <>

...unless you want it to happen again ;)
08 September
melissa <>

we miss you skinny!!!! please come back. we'll be good, i promise. it won't happen again!
29 August
laura <larnette@hotmail>

hey all, can't wait to see everyone at the show saturday. i took a mini vacation to new orleans, it was pretty uneventfull except that i saw anne rice, and i took a picture of my
mother in front of a sleazy nudie bar on bourbon street.(fully clothed thank you)

26 August

been a long time since i rock and rolled..
09 August
Rich <>

Yow, internet access from jail? They didn't have any when they slapped ME in the pokey just the other day.
(I hate getting slapped there.) Mebbe you went to a decent jail, if that's not an oxymoron.
05 August
coyote <>

Matt's in jail... yikes. Anyway... new article on gropius over at
04 August
Matthew <>
from my little barred room
... isn't it great that the state provides internet access from jail!!!!

remember this... not only is skinny a great webmaster, but he also has a beautiful singing voice.

oops, guard's back... gotta go!
26 July
florence <>

"either way, it'll get cleaned up pretty soon..." yeah, yeah. famous last words. --wait, is that Devrin? Orospo! Nice to see ya, my favorite Turkish friend! --That guy, he's summon elves.
So skinny, guess when was the last time you made an appearance here? fifty days ago. that's right, F-I-F-T-Y. :: sigh ::
21 July
Rich <>

I am the 43925th person to sign this guestbook.
Oh, I lied. I can't count that high.
12 July
Devrin <>
ISTANBUL not constantinople for the sake of Jesus and the holy spirit.
I just know skinny, and he has 3 tashak (if anybody wants know) I havent heard the music yet but I want to. Love from ISTANBUL TO DENTON to all my schoolhood friends.
07 July

06 July

so, can we look forward to hearing the new song at trees?
02 July

AMEN, jason. i hear ya!!!!!
01 July

Damn, I would think it would take a natural disaster to make a club sound that bad...
28 June

hey ........ you think we're going to get to hear goth song friday night? has anyone heard if the so¨nd system at the wreck room was distroyed in the tornado or not?
27 June

don't forget we have a show at trees on july 7th.
22 June
Matthew <>

Happy birthday to you... Happy birthday to you... Hope all of your wishes came true!!!! Have a great one Skinny!!!
21 June
jason and stef

Happy Birthday man! hope you have a great day. see you soon.
21 June

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SKINNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I/WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

20 June

oh sure, skinny comes back and everyone has abandoned the guestbook.
05 June

skinny will be back pretty soon...
03 June
Matthew <>
...just nod if you can hear me... Is there anyone home?
01 June

Hello (hello hello...) Is there anybody in there...
30 May
stef and jason

where, oh where did our skinny go? we both miss you, but only one of us will be at the show at ricks.
22 May

i hope you guys are having fun in l.a. i'm looking forward to the rick's show. will ya'll please please please play final resting place????
19 May
i am sorry to all. i've sold out. look for me in khaki shorts, braided belt, brown shoes, white or blue 3 button polo and a golf cap very soon. under the hat, look out also for the medium brown hair motionlessly parted to the side. i've got 2 bootleg SMU stickers on order and a fraternity is getting back to me soon on a custom license plate frame. c'mon all! meet me at the sports bar. i'll be the one deeply involved in the game.
19 May

skinny skinny
hes the man
moolighting another band?
skinny skinny
is it true?
you traded in Gropius
for a bmw?

12 May
skinny <>

i think the live album stays in rumors for now...what other rumors? what's the news? what's skinny been doing? check back this weekend.
11 May
staring at a pile of bones and eye of newt
i foresee another live cd in the future for gropius.
09 May
you know who i am

where are you skinny?? i think you have been moonlighting with another band's website....
08 May
Jason <same>
Hey, I finially saw Skinny's pimp-ass BMW after the last show. It was cool, except for the SINGLE WORKING HEADLIGHT. Very smooth, my man. :)

06 May
Heidi <>

Hey Matt,Joulie,Amy,and Melissa. This is Heidi i am one of (as we know her) Ms. Ostroff's students. I just want to say good lck on ur new cd ! I really love ur music ! Its so cool and unique. I hope u will continue great music. I really enjoy listening to u.
Love Always,
29 April
Jodysauce <>
Grand Prairie
I'm digging the new album. I like tracks 3 and 8 and 9 the best.
Did I mention Steph and Jason are the sweetest people on this planet?
Well I love you guys.
We must hang soon.


29 April
Jodysauce <>
Grand Prairie
lets make plans for a parrtttaaaayyy!
I would love to see you all mad drunk and beautiful.

school is killing me..though im not attending much..eeek. i need a vacation away from this place..

sell me a new magazine.

29 April

thank god for the return of gropius shows! hang in there EVERYONE

love you
26 April

Yup, it's official SKINNY ROCKS!!! :)

Be careful Melissa, Jody's parties are dangerous...
24 April
melissa <>

is there a more badass mothereffer in the whole world than skinny? not only does he do a mean website, but he plays bass and stage dives. thanks for giving gropius another first. we love you and appreciate you so very much!!! thank you jen for the oboe assistance. absolutely beautiful, you are! thank you jody, jason, and stef for coming out and sharing our big night with us. i want a party invite miss jody.
22 April
Jason <blowchunks@jody'>

Jody: sorry again about the thingy. :( It was a sign of affection!!! Besides, you should have known better than to get me drunk. Forcefeeding hard liquor to a first-timer like that! Shame on you!
Skinny: What if I **PROMISE** not to spew in your new pimp-ass ride? Pretty please?!
And a great big happy birthday to!!! See everyone tomorrow night, I miss you all!
22 April
skinny <>
let's keep this guestbook clean! kidding. sorry, though, Jody. Jason--know when to say hurl! no ride in car for you! see you all tomorrow, yes? Happy Birthday to, by the way...two years old this week...
22 April
Jody <>
Grand Prairie
Skinny and his faithful readers :

I thought I would announce that I had a party a couple weeks ago and Jason, whom we all know and love, drank hard liquor straight for an hour, then proceeded to puke on EVERYTHING I own. And to top it off today, I found my velvety coat in the corner of my room and as I was hanging it up noticed some strange dried up chunks of some sort..
:glares at Jason:
lol. I love you.


p.s. You gropians will have to come to my next thingy. I love you guys so much you can all puke all over the apartment if you wish.
20 April
jason <jasov@myaren'>

Hey Skinny, you're going to take me for a spin in the new BMW Sunday, right?
14 April
San Diego, CA
Great article!
13 April

this week in the Fort Worth Weekly...
12 April
San Diego, CA




10 April

hey all, still here, still busy. if i had time to update this more lately, i would have mentioned Cailey's first public poetry recitation today at the deep ellum arts festival. she read her published piece called 'moving' and introduced a new poem today called 'bubbles.' bubbles is an interesting inner journey into the sublime, crossing matter with thought and intangible patterns. ok,'s about bubbles. i'll get a copy up here with the author's permission. (or will she have to ask daddy for permission?!?) hmmm.

i know this is cheating, but let's wax on rumors and news for a moment. i mentioned new goods before (shirts and posters and stickers and such), but i have yet to get any concrete image info. KTCU's saturday morning show, the Tom and Steve Show was the site of a live broadcast this last weekend. it went well. yours truly got to go along for the ride. nice guys, they are. i was asked to be a guest on the following webtalk hour, but respectfully declined. the bandwagon comment left on the Gropius guestbook was a reference to a large red wagon outside the KTCU studio that everyone jumped on. i think someone took a picture. i'll try to track it down. more rumors--Gropius will have an additional player at the cd release party at Curtain Club on the 23rd. details as available. keep it here.

heard on merge 93.3 was abysmal last week, with a few second spot mentioning Gropius in the studios there in the next few weeks. cool-o-rama. i don't know how long these guestbook entries can be, so i'll stop here just in case. thanks for reading. what do you want to know?
10 April

life is boring without gropius shows!
07 April
Jason <same old, same old>

Yay! Thanks for the Skinny fix!! :) I was starting to think I might actually have to get a life of my own... Gawd forbid. I'm really starting to miss everyone, can't wait for the next show!
06 April
Grand Prairie
gaahhh im overworked underpaid and sleepy..
i miss my gropians.
see you on the 23rd.

love always

Jody (minus marc)
05 April
David <>
San Diego, CA
04 April
skinny <>

i've been really busy, but i have no excuse. more skinny tomorrow for you, Jason. maybe i'll even put up a picture of my new car stuck in the mud. Amy, i'm sorry to say i am retiring my harmonica. Matthew "no-longer-a-baboon-virgin" Koch--you know i strive to be mediocre. hmmm.
03 April
jason <>

I want more skinny! The last update was over a month ago... I'm starting to feel neglected. :(
02 April
amy <>
recovering from work
yeah...i hear he plays mean harmonica!
01 April
Matthew <>
Recovering from Baboon!!!
I've heard skinny is a pretty damn good musician. Maybe we can use him sometime...
29 March
laura <larnette@hotmail>
hey guys i hope you make it out to the denton music awards. i would mean alot to me and to gropius!

22 March
melissa <>

hey kids, go to the Dallas Observer Music Awards and vote for us. you can write us in any catagory you choose but we've been nominated for best industrial/dance. that's funny, i didn't think we were either. anyway, woohoo!
19 March
I missed you skinny, glad to see you home.

18 March
david <>
san diego CA
hey skinny- good to see new shtuff on the net maybe we'll see some l.a. pics. too! stay hard. :)
17 March
chris <>

Hey Laura!Drums go boom boom!
See ya Saturday.
16 March
laura <larnette@hotmail>
hey chris-how them drums?
16 March
chris <>

15 March
poopoo <poopoo@shit city>
vote for your fav female lead singer on
14 March
driver <>
behind the camera
wall? what wall?! oh yeah, that one i took a picture of Amy sleeping on...
14 March
Amy <>

no more wake up pictures please...
me - makeup = scary

i am going to have to convinscate(sp?) those pictures!! sorry about that spelling, it's late and i am tired.....
14 March
melissa <>

yeah, skinny might be leaving us to pursue a career in photography, though. good luck you badass avant garde amateur photographer, you.
13 March
Matthew <>

skinny is definitely an excellent driver...

08 March
laura <larnette@hotmail>

i never kmew there were so many good drummers out there! chris did a bang up job (teehee)

05 March
jason <>

Good performance last night, kinda sucks about the technical snafus and the overall shitty sound of the club's PA. Congrats to Chris! I like his playing, I hope he works out. If he messed up at all, it wasn't significant enought for me to notice, except that Dawn did sound a bit ... FAST. :)
Good luck to everyone on the 9th!!! I can't think of any other band around that deserves such a nice, high profile gig as you guys! Go show 'em what Dallas bands are made of!!!
29 February
Jody and Marc <>
grand prairie
THANK you all sooo much for the happy birthday. muah!

24 February

heya skinny :)
loved the gropius jacket you were sporting at the last show muhhahahaha


AND WE aRE celebrating it on saturday so if all you gropiuses could sing him a sweet happy birthday i will promise you all my soul.
please please please

ill seee you all at the show saturday


23 February
Jason <same as>
That sucks... :( The set centered more around songs from Pornography, Disentegration and Bloodflowers, so I got to hear a lot of my favorites that I missed the first time. Stef and I met some really nice guys from Mississippi, which made the wait a lot more fun. I really can't say more because I wouldn't even know where to begin. But the next one should be in May!!
23 February
skinny <>

didn't make it to the Cure. i called for last minute tickets through that broker, hoping for last minute $50 tix, but they were sold out. i guess you liked the show?

yes, more updates and skinny are coming soon...
22 February
Jason <>
same as always
Saturday? Shite... Did anyone else happen to make it to the Cure show monday? ohmygawd.. Words cannot describe...
21 February
melissa <>

hey stef, the show is on saturday. i hope you can still make it out.
21 February

thanks guys for playing Hateful Me. it put a big smile on my face...
see you friday, i got a friday night off again.
the end is near..
20 February
laura <larnette@hotmail>

you know what else turns your hands blue? frostbite. and blue paint.and coloring your hands in with a blue marker.
18 February
Jason <same as>
Yeah, but I haven't made any glaring spelling mistakes here in quite a while, so... Blah. You know, I was JUST wondering if there was a quick and easy way to turn skin blue! And to think, I was going to use one of those toilet bowl thingys! Anyway, seel you all soon!
16 February
melissa <>

hey jason, it's only a matter of time before david and company find this guestbook. no like cockatoos for friday, i don't think. or will there be? so mysterious. i could wax poetic but i'm too tired for creativity. one thing i do know is that the water in a magic 8 ball stains your hands. how 'bout that.
16 February
Jason <>
I like this Guestbook more than there is a lot less bad poetry. And groupies aren't much fun unless you are actually IN the band being grouped upon. Or I guess it would be "groped upon," in this case....
Anyway, I'll see you all at the show tomorrow night. Maybe we'll get a little "Like Cockatoos" to get everyone pumped for the big show on Monday?
11 February
laura <larnette@hotmail>

hey skinny what are you going to give us to throw on stage sat.? how 'bout your collection of ball gags?

07 February
melissa <>

oh la la!!! nothing like skinny in "smile" panties!
03 February
skinny <>

yes i did get my panties back. and since everyone in the band signed them, i wore them to work to let everybody see!
02 February
laura <>
at brookhaven
skinny did you ever get your panties back from the show?
i thought i heard some of our ladies and gentlemen say they were going to cover a tesla song.

i want to welcome matt to denton! welcome matt.tee hee get it 'welcome mat'.....that's tooo much!

gotta get to class..

28 January
at laura's
i'm looking forward to checkingyou guys out! i got kicked out of lou's tonight before i met ya'll.....heard your last cd i want to grope it to the maxxxxxxxxxx

mack to the limit (or som'in like dat)

via space
24 January
jocelyn <>
"san fransisco"
If I sent you some well-concealed cash couldn't you send me a CD? :) Skinny, you are one neat guy.
23 January
Grand Prairie
noooo Marc and I are Gropius's number one fan :sticks out tongue:
Skinny..although i like the official gropius site i think i will always be partial to yours :)
Good show Friday guys..though it wasnt the same without Richsauce.
and love for everyone..
laura i hope to see you next time...

23 January
ch-ch-ch-chia <>
ahem. you guys rock.
19 January

I AM GROPIUS' #1 FAN..............
        *__* __  *
       **| \/ |*
         *\  /**

16 January
laura <larnette @hotmail>

hey skinny we've had the same hair do's- blonde and bald!!!!!! i think you should shave it when summer's a great look on you! i had fun at the show
i kiss you
16 January
melissa <>

hey rapture,
hook us up with contact info in san fran and we'll try getting out there this summer. good chance we'll be playing L.A. this summer. woohoo!!!
great hair skinny. what a sexy bald head!
16 January
backstreet skinny <>
killing the mystery
don't worry about the number of visitors to (still increasing, btw). but speaking of dying the hair and the George Hamilton tan (blond, what hair?!) hehehe. almost forgot i had these. the last time i saw baby spice was, yes, in a bedroom, but we were not alone. she and her spice friends were just 'hanging out.' (somebody has to get that...) we've never been to denton together. we met in carrollton. she didn't say much. i was playing guitar, she just stood there, smiling. some people are going to know who skinny is now. the blond picture (Martin Gore?) was a couple of hours before blood red (pillarbox) ensued. a couple weeks later that turned into a mohawk. and a little later? see the pic on the right...1994 i should think.

14 January
San Fran, CA
Just wanted to let Gropius members know, I found your music on and am thouroughly (you know what I mean!) impressed. I look forward to you all going national.

14 January
amy <> goes up and no one hangs out here anymore??? skinny is going to get his feelings hurt. I heard he has been hanging out in tanning salons, dyed his hair blond and has been seeing baby spice. I think the new couple has been spotted at Gooey Looeys in Denton!
03 January
guess <guess again>

crass is ass with a C R
03 January
melissa <>

wow, this line of entries is getting pretty crass. can we please change the subject to my bruises? i've discovered a new one every day. there's another one, ouch!!!
02 January
laura <larnette>
in amy's room
well i did have my hand in Matt's pocket, and i was wishing him "good luck" but i swear i didn't have any panties on!!!!

sorry matt i guess our secret is out.

31 December
Amy <>
wishing I was asleep!
oh Laura, dont lie! We all know you stuffed your panties in Matt's pocket for good luck before he went on stage!!

31 December
laura <larnette>
in the tub
i know i know i suck.... i gave my panties to the cashier at the gas station before we got to ft worth...
i'll make sure i bring spares to the rick's show..
i love you guys.
30 December
melissa <>

laura, i'm so disappointed that no panties flew last night. you better go through with it the next show or there will be HELL TO PAY!!! i know where you live.
21 December
Laura <>
behind Amy
I just got back from NOLA and while I was there, I was approached in a coffee shop by Trent Reznor and Anne Rice. They were both hammering me with questions about Gropius...Who's single? Who's not? What does Matt where to bed? When is Rich gonna be legal? etc....
Both Trent and Anne send there love, they will be at the Ridglea Show!!

17 December
melissa <>

ingratitude, satire, hope, days of our lives... what do they all mean? it all reeks of soap opera to me. mmmmmmwwwwaahhhh my little rosebuds.

17 December
laura <larnette@hotmail>
out of my head
i'll see you guys soon-i'm off to nola. i hope we can hook up for drinks and debauchery next week!!!!
16 December
Jason <>
No guestbook activity in the last eight days?! Is there intelligent life out there? Anyway, the countdown begins: 14 days until the next show! Anyone else suffering from advanced stages of withdrawl?
08 December
laura <>
infront of my computer
I can't wait to see the new web site finished!! Hang in there guys remember that I love you and that's all that matters!!I can't wait for the ridglea show I'm going to throw my panties on stage!!!!
04 December
melissa <mda001@yahoo>

for anyone is no longer the official website. by the end of the weekend, you can visit for official gropius info. what a shit week this has been!!!!
23 November
skinny <>
apt 12
rob is spending a long Weekend in Haiti, so i'll give him a call and let him know.
23 November
Amy <>

Rob, I love the shirt ideas!! I will get them to Alex asap!!

17 November
Lee Gormley <>
Dallas, TX
I was at the instore last night at Wherehouse Music where I saw the band open for Soak. It was the first time for me to see the band perform. Melissa, I was the guy in the black Nokia shirt. I was extremely impressed with the band as a whole. I look forward to hearing you guys again in Ft. Worth.
15 November
Jody and Mr. Marc <>
Grand Prairie
hey guys! i had a fab time at the halloween show. you all made beautiful 80's trash and laura, you looked so purdy. :) we will have to dub you guys a videotape! skinny the site looks AMAZING. i love the color scheme :) take care people. we will see you all friday.

ta ta
14 November
Jason and Stef <>
grand p.
I'll bet the show last night was awesome, too bad us young 'ns couldn't get in! :( Any chance of Hateful Me being played next Tuesday perhaps?
12 November
Amy <>

Your welcome Zac!! I am so happy that you were genuinely suprised!!
Happy birthday!!

12 November
melissa <>

we love you xac!!!
11 November
Xac T.R. <>
Denton Texas baby
I wanna thank Gropius for playing at my small surprise birthday party. You guys are gods and I've not been so damned happy in ages.
I owe you, tons. Thank you thank you thank you.


09 November
laura <>
home of happiness, Denton Tx
I'm sure Melissa let you know the pictures are back from the show so we will get copies to you asap!!!!!
04 November
Laura aka Betty Boop aka Amy's roomie <I keep forgeting>
Denton, Home of Happiness
Rob, the site looks great! I'll get you the pictures from the Halloween show asap. I'll get them developed this weekend. I think I got some pretty good ones of the band and a sexy one of Mr. Mark in drag! Can I say that Mark makes a beautiful Queen! Kisses to you all!!
01 November
can O stench

did I mention I cant speak english
01 November
ffrrrrrrrrppppppptttt! <>
the armpit of america
DAMN! site looks great I likes alot
also you cant get better advertising than your bands name on a pair of breasts
we tried to get a picture but she wanted us to pay her! I dont think so
dude time for aerosal this my room smells funky

29 October
Amy <>

I must agree with Melissa...this site kicks ass!!!!

Great job Skinny...
25 October

hey skinny,
the site looks great!!! and i ain't just whistling dixie.
02 October
Jody <>
skinny. thanks for being so cool about the tori rickets. my friends and i really appreciated your kindness. you really helped us out. muah. loves jody
01 October
Jody,Marc,Jason,Steph,Kelly other people <>
grand prairie
muah! it was kewl seeing ya rob melissa and rich at the tori show. it was amazing. see you guys at ricks place. rich get well soon. muhahhahahahhahhahahhahhahahhahahha.
22 September
just wanted to thank everyone for the support and for making me feel welcome amongst the greatest group of musicians on the planet. i'm having the time of my life! melissa, amy, julie, and rich (package boy)... you rock!

snootchie, boochie, noochies!!!
21 September
Supa fly
I was only talkin bout shaft
who's yo daddy
dude what do I look that young not like I'm leading little girls into traps.... or am I?
20 September
you know where... USA
I wonder who that package guy is??
From the turnout at Ridglea, it looks like he is popular with the YOUNG women....

19 September
The Package <>
Iiiiii"m not tellllling
All I have to say is I loved ridgealy I had too much fun
and I hope to see lots of happy people at Vibes

14 September
Gropius is better than chocolate OR nicotine!
08 August
brAk <when space ghost lets me use his computer thingy...>
channel 60
01 August
Sickpunk <>

Never really cared for Goth till I listened to yall. The CD really kicks ass. I still want one of the first autographed ones.
oh well, Have fun and keep kicking ass.
29 July
noneofyourbusinessfool <>
south hampton
skinny doesn't love us anymore.
19 July

I am growing more and more fond of Adagio every show..:swoon:
16 July
Xac "I'm not very bright" T.R. <>
Now I've just been informed that whole virus thing I just posted about is a hoax. In any case, just be careful folks.
16 July
Xac, Your burning hunk o' love <>
I figured I would pass this along here. Shoot me if I am wrong to put it here but I think it is relatively important.
WARNING: If you receive an e-mail with a file called California, do not
open the file. The file contains the WOBBLER virus.
This information was announced yesterday morning from IBM; AOL states
that this is a very dangerous virus, much worse than "Melissa," and that
there is NO remedy for it at this time. Some very sick individual has
succeeded in using the reformat function from Norton Utilities causing
it to completely erase all documents on the hard drive. It has been
designed to work with Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet
Explorer. It destroys Macintosh and IBM compatible computers. This is a
new, very malicious virus and not many people know about it. Pass this
warning along to EVERYONE in your address book and please share it with
all your online friends ASAP so that this threat may be stopped.
07 July
silver <>
houston, tx
update "skinny" :)

10 June
Jody <>
Seeing Gropius in Houston rid me of my wretched flu! You guys were great :)
03 June
jody <>
i have the wretched flu :(
03 June
Xac T-friggin-R <>
Then respond, you silly person.
02 June
skinny <>
at work
i'd really like to respond to what Xac said.
30 May
Xac TxRx
Viper. Asmodeus666. Black metal. Improper sentence structure. Oh lord help us all.
25 May
Voltaire <>
If there is anybody out there that is sick of seeing nothing but rap,Hip Hop and The Real World on M.T.V. Me and my organization are in the process of getting funding for our own Metal station that will play Metal,Glam,Rock,Goth,Punk, Death Metal,Black Metal,Industrial and Gothic Industrial Videos. If you would like to join us as a member the membership is free unless you wish to make a donation towards the funding of the station. To become a member contact me at or if you would just like to give your support and/or make a donation contact me at I used to have the Nickname Viper in case You have seen this message posted by me elsewhere. Thank You.
19 May
pompeii <>

words that begin with the letter "L":

latent, lifelike(parasitic), lewd, lemon-yellow, labyrinth(ain't got know suitcase david bowie), latern-jawed, larceny, British Lawyer, leathery(as in "your mama's skin is leathery"), leper, lesbian(ism), liberal, lick, lick a liberal, limb, limpid(lime and), little by little, lullaby(quitely he laughs, haha), lungs,

facade doesn't start with "L".
07 May
"Chavez" <>
it changes
BOO! well finally a show tonight YAY! Um John I dont know if you've seen the site yet but hey youre doing great glad youre with us and hey "Skinny" when will our new "member" (heehee..member) be up on this site c'mon give the boy some props (christ did I just say props) anyway I looking forward to the show tonight um yeah I should be I mean I havent missed a single gropius show since Oct.23 (wonder why?) oh anyways thats all see you guys at Zombies
07 May
jody <>
grand prairie
xac thats terrible :( i cant believe the injustice..well i can.this is america after all..grrrrrrrr
02 May
Xac <>
Really good article. Thanks Skinny.

Keep fighting the good fight. Maybe not for
us but for our children and so on....

02 May
skinny <>
there's a good read here called 'the price of being different.'
...and some follow up here.

30 April
Xac, Lord of the Vampires and I am _not_ Goth. <>
Castle Denton, Center of all Briton
Thanks to Lee and Amy and Julie for keeping
me company at work last night. I hope you
enjoyed the excessive retro.
This just in: Numerous states across this
_free_ country of ours are working to push
a rule against goths in school. Their excuse is
that wretched deal up in Colorado. Yeah, makes
sense to me...some ROTC/Gamer kids get fed up
over the jocks and solve their problem the
WRONG way and goths get blamed. The policy also
includes punks like me. My friend Dusty, who is still
in school has gotten searched 7 times now.

Xac, yer Wayward Reporter...
25 April
jody and marc <>
grand prairie
we love you guys <3
19 April
Steve J <>
San Francisco
I enjoyed your page.Maybe we will play alongside each other in the near future.
take care
15 April
Rich <>
somewhere between dallas and Denton
You know I was just thinking there isnt a clear photo of me on any of the sites
so I'll just give a description of myself real quick... about 5'2 red hair and freckles
my right ear is missing I kinda walk with a limp cuz one of my legs if 3inches shorter than the other
I also drool constantly but I do a fine job of hitting stuff with stix uh oh time to change my diaper
I'll catch you guys at 70hz

The Chimp
14 April
Scott "Hurricane" Hannah <>
mostly DFW
Great site, looking forward to seein' ya at the fair
06 April
sarah <>
you guys are awesome!! jody was right about you guys!!! keep kickin ass.
05 April
03 April
Lord Xacariah the First <>
Yer mom's bedroom
Yes you do. And when you touched me I am not sure
I really cared much for it. Really.

02 April
Lord Beavis Christ <>
the fecel realm of deficatia
I am the undigested corn I am the second harvest
youre poop is only as blak as what you eat!
You will al be my poop slaves!
24 March
Xac's probation officer
Denton County Courthouse
I don't really hate you, Xac, that was just role-playing.
24 March
Xac (Totally Rejected)
My Probation Officer hates me.
22 March
08 March
deanna (dee) h.

2-26 at zombies was fantastic as usual! COVET THE SENSELESS being my favorite . idanced my little heart out! the goth song left me dancing and laughing as melisa flew off the stage andout the door.i missed the denton show but ihere melissa won an award congrads!!!! thats all! HAVE A GINGER PEACHY DAY!!!!! PEACE,LOVE, AND GOTHICNESS
05 March
Brock Miller <>
in dreams
Very nice asthetic. I guess I have
a difficult time of digging on guitarless
bands but the group is unique and thats cool.

Be well now, ya hear?
04 March
Jody <>
grand prairie texas
hey you guys

i really enjoyed the show @ the groovey mule last night. congrats melissa, on getting best female vocalist:)...i really think you guys shouldve gotten best live act also but oh well. take care. we will get in touch soon about dinner. <3
17 February
3229 CR 805-B , CLEBURNE,TX 76031
13 February

10 February
Mr. Winky
Somewhere in albania
That is one skinny petrus you've got there
10 February
Wally Winkersnitsh
th butt pirates lair
Hey guys now who still needs to handle my stool? You know never seeing you guys with a stool of your own makes me wonder if youre eating right...Gropius is a bongload of fun and they help with my stool
10 February
great pics!!!!!!!!!!!
05 February
Wicked_Mercy <>
allen, tx
Hopefully this will work.
Gropius is a great band, I still need to go to a concert to enjoy the full experience.
Melissa, if you're reading this, maybe we can get together and grab a bite to eat. Or maybe the whole band, we all could get together.
04 February
Viper Darkthrone <>
San Antonio,TX.
Anybody out there want to hear more Metal,
Rock,Glam,Punk, and Goth on M.T.V.? WELL YOU
THE MUSIC LISTED ABOVE!!!! It will cost me at
the least 65 million and if anyone out there
would like to help me with the funding or you
agree with me and want to join my organization
in bringing the station to T.V. contact me as
soon as you can. Thank You.
25 January
Xac-daddy <>
Yer pants
I got yer wienershnitzel right here.
18 January
the final cut

i want a schnowzer for my weinerschnetzel!
13 January
Xac is Totally Ridiculous <>
I am punk. I like to spit. Hawk. Patooie. Thank you.

12 January
FCC <>
your lead singer is hot!!!
06 January

daddy, i do not want a boat like this!
05 January
the final cut

you shall not know the unvailing of pompeii but as for me, look for me at the Jan. 15 show ill be the one dancing weird and bumping into everybody in the crowd.
04 January
james <>
yer mom
Who the hell are Pompeii and The Final Cut?!?! You guys are funny; I'll kill you last... Seriously, I'm curious to know the idenities of these people. You're weird. I like that. Come forth and I'll buy you both beers.
01 January

be very afraid of brian's underwear
24 December
the final cut

hmmm do goths believe in Christmas??

the Raven
wants you to see this.
Fayl <>
houston, TX
Halo grebo seXXXy, nice band :) "Spirit grows: Strength is restored by wounding" -F. Neitzsche
Shayne Sanderson <>

Cool site guys...and hey Amy if this is read before Wednesday the 25th, I'll be at the show at the Galaxy Club!!! Look for me!!!! Shayne Sanderson

pompeii, italy(in the shadow of vesuvius)
the funniest words all start with "s" in no particular order spleen stalking-horse silence starve spatula strangulated hernia sphincter sweet william snatch
show and tell succumb scroutm implement sacred roman rota spigot seepy sfx scabies soprano stalagmite
Samantha <>
Denton, Tx
The Zombies show was excellent!
XAC!!!! I said XaC, DAMMIT!!! Oh to hell with it.
On the floor
Help help! I have a garden shed stuck in my throat! Otherwise, i love all you five speed gear boxes. Wasn't it you that killed my brother? No? Must've been
me then. Love ya.
A. Eldritch

After hearing Gropius, I have to retract my comment on goths sucking. I wish the Sisters had been as good as you. sigh.....

florence <>
I don't have a goth ass, but if I did, this site would rock it. Truly top-notch. Consider yourself book-marked, buddy.
Hundin <>
here, there, everywhere.......
hmmmmmm.....I would just like to say that Skinny is a REALLY good guy, he is funny, and he bathes regularly. I would also like to reiterate that I have
never seen him dance, nor have I seen a beard on his face. I missed out on the sharp thing, but he did show me an object that was great. cheers......
Otto Bahn <>
Denton, TX
Very cool site! There were some pictures of the band I hadn't seen before. I think I was actually at that Impala show (the one that says 'Impala' in the
background... though I was at the Switchblade one, too!) I especially like the one with Melissa standing in front of the Bauhaus building, yahahaha!!! Very
nice! I've never seen you dance... or seen you at all, really... :) Otto
jendra <>

You're right *sob* I have never seen you dance, but Hundin...oh Hundin...I have seen you dance! Great page!

James <>

Great page! And yes... we've all seen you dance. In fact we were thinking of putting you in a cage and incorporating you into the next show.

Hundin <>
Looks good. Keep it up, and have fun with it. Also, I think Rach and Julie are lying when they say that they have seen you, or I, dance.......
Rachel <>

Great page Rob! And we have seen you dance.

Chad <>
Dallas, Tx
The skinny white man dance is universal. you see one, you seen them all. Nice page, Rob :)
julie <>

Such a beautiful website...and a great dancer, too....

David Heise <>
Arlington, TX
You're a wild man.
skinny <>
allen, tx
welcome to
you have never seen me dance.
Gropius rocks my skinny goth ass...

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